Boo to personality tests! Unless, yes, they give you the language or tools to be better. I’ve always chafed at personality tests. But I’ve also known plenty of people who swore they unlocked some hidden potential. But for me? Bleh

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I used to be addicted to taking personality tests! Perhaps because I was so insecure in my identity and my life? Thanks for reading!

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When I was a kid I loved these and astrology, until my mom had to pull me out of an astrology induced funk and make it clear to me that so much of that stuff is just there to make money. Now I usually take any and all of it with a heaping serving of salt.

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Oh man, my daughter's really into astrology right now, and I don't know what to do! I've told her that the descriptions are written so generally that they could be applied to anyone, but she is not interested in my logic.

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I've often felt the very same when it comes to personality tests. I can't help but feel many of us that have taken them have at some point fallen victim to the all too human desire of "belonging somewhere", which in turn, can have extremely limiting effects on our developing personalities, that arguably never cease changing.

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