It had been a month since Maya had been transferred into Jennifer Raines’s body, so it was time for the next check-in. Maya didn’t know if the check-ins were strictly necessary since Chris Raines was dead, and thus the threat was ended, but she decided it was better to err on the side of too many check-ins than too few.
“Hello?” Jennifer said.
“Good afternoon, Jennifer. This is Maya from Parker and Associates. I was calling to see how you’re doing.”
“I’m…you know, sometimes, while I’m at work, I forget he’s gone, and I imagine telling him about some anecdote when I get home. I used to tell him everything, you know? Then I remember, and I’m sad. But when I’m home…this is going to make me sound terrible. When I’m home, and he’s not there, it feels so…easy. It’s peaceful. And then I feel guilty for feeling happy, because that’s not how you’re supposed to feel when your husband dies.”
“You don’t have to feel guilty, Jennifer. There’s no ‘should’ with grief.” That sentence was straight out of Ruth’s recommended reading, and Maya felt a grudging thankfulness that she’d so recently read it. “And he abused you. You’re bound to feel some amount of relief, because now he can’t do that anymore.”
“Yeah, but he was going to change,” Jennifer said. “He wouldn’t have anyway.” Her voice took on a keening quality. “And I’m worried…is it my fault. It happened right after… It doesn’t make sense for that to have nothing to do with it—”
“Listen, Jennifer. You had nothing to do with his death. Me taking over for you had nothing to do with it. There’s…” As soon as Maya thought of telling her about the serial killer possessor, she realized how that would look to Jennifer. That she would think Maya had murdered her husband. So she changed direction. “There’s a lot to deal with. Are you talking to anyone about it?”
In a sulky tone, Jennifer said, “Yeah. I started seeing a therapist. She says it’s okay to feel happy, too.”
“Good, I’m glad. Did you get those gemstones I recommended?”
“Yes,” Jennifer said, too quickly.
Internally, Maya sighed. “Good. Well, take care of yourself. Get plenty of water, and rest. And let us know if you need anything.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Have a good day.”
“You too.”
Maya sat back. Jennifer was a mess, and she wasn’t using the crystals Maya had recommended. But also, she’s happy. Guilty about feeling happy, too. But still, happy.
Camille’s words came back to Maya. Don’t you think their victims are getting some measure of peace from them being gone? Maya texted her, I think you may be right.
When she got another text soon after, she expected it to be Camille. It was Robert.
Gimble says he’ll talk to us. Can you meet me there at 5:30pm, when visiting hours start again?
Yes, of course, Maya sent back.
She felt heat rising in her chest, like a fire had lit her up from the inside. Finally, she thought, exultant. We’ll get some answers.
It may very well be that women like Jennifer were happier since the chain of murders, and Maya was glad for it. But remembering how scared Gimble was, how harmless Robert’s client Coby seemed, and how gentle and helpful Davis was, she knew that was too limited a view of the situation. They didn’t deserve what happened to them, she thought. And she was ready to find out who it was behind it all.